Ergonomic seats

Salesbridges offer a wide range of seats adapted to various production methods.
Our stools, sit and stand seats, high and standard seats, and ESD seats have all the features needed to suit a wide variety of trades and tasks. Read more.

AED 1,685.79 Excl. tax
Unit price : AED 1,908.00 /
AED 1,827.79 Excl. tax
AED 2,851.00 Excl. tax
AED 1,769.79 Excl. tax
AED 1,937.79 Excl. tax
AED 2,189.79 Excl. tax
AED 2,883.79 Excl. tax
AED 2,399.79 Excl. tax
AED 1,937.79 Excl. tax
AED 1,869.79 Excl. tax
AED 3,700.00 Excl. tax
AED 2,729.79 Excl. tax
AED 1,811.79 Excl. tax

Today, the ergonomic quality of workstations is a major issue in industrial and logistical enterprises. It ensures the well-being, health and safety of a company’s employees. It also promotes productivity by providing efficient working positions and reducing absenteeism.

Every one of the elements making up a workstation and its environment can exert a positive or negative influence on its ergonomics. A well-conducted study and the appropriate choices can significantly improve its ergonomic quality.

Salesbridges offer a wide range of seats adapted to various production methods.
Our stools, sit and stand seats, high and standard seats, and ESD seats have all the features needed to suit a wide variety of trades and tasks.

Standing stools are designed for tasks where the operator must remain mostly standing, stable in one position at their workstation. To relieve pressure on the spine, a high stool is a good solution and can reduce fatigue and stress at the workstation.

Stools are designed for regular, brief periods of sitting with mobility restrictions. Seats with backrests are of no use in these situations while stools are the ideal solution.

  • ERGODYN 2000 stools
  • NATUR stools
  • Sit-stand seats LM2023
  • Sit-stand seats ERGOSLIM
  • Sit-stand seats AS200
  • Sit-stand seats LM2029
  • AIRPLUS ultra-comfortable seats
  • ERGOSLIM 2010 wide comfort seats
  • NATUR seats
  • ERGOSOFT 2010 seats
  • ERGODYN 2008 comfort seats
  • ERGO 2000 seats
  • ESD antistatic seats

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